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Ornitho.de and ornitho.lu shall give an up-to-date overview of bird life in Germany and Luxembourg, and it shall be put into an European context in co-operation with other ornitho-systems. It shall bring together everybody interested in bird life, shall inspire people about the avifauna, and shall support environmental education. The data from ornitho.de and ornitho.lu are used for scientific analysis and for the purpose of nature conservation. You will find more information in „What is ornitho.de?“.
Barn Swallow
(Hirundo rustica)
Occurrence during the year in comparison with previous years based on complete lists. Join in and help make the picture more complete!
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Friday, September 6th, 2024
Counting Grey Partridge family groups - join in! Neben der Bestandsentwicklung aus dem Monitoring im Spätwinter/Frühjahr ist auch der Bruterfolg eine wichtige Kennzahl, um die Entwicklung der Rebhuhnbestände zu [...] Thursday, August 15th, 2024
Watch out for Eurasian Dotterels! (Please also report nil counts!) Das Brutgebiet des Mornellregenpfeifers liegt in den Fjällflächen und Tundren von Skandinavien bis Ostsibirien. Die europäischen Brutvögel überwintern in [...]
Update: New version of the NaturaList app available (v0.264) A new version of the NaturaList app for Android has been available since yesterday. In addition to various visual improvements, this mainly includes bug fixes and technical enhancements [...]
Vogelwelt aktuell: Rückblick auf den Winter 2023/2024 Der vergangene Winter zeichnete sich durch erneut sehr milde Witterung aus. Genauer gesagt war es der 13. milde Winter in Folge und der drittmildeste je gemessene. Doch Rekorde [...]Saturday, April 20th, 2024
Please select photos carufully! Die digitale Fotografie hat die Übertragung von Bildern auf Internetseiten wie ornitho sehr einfach gemacht. An Spitzentagen werden mehrere hundert Fotos hochgeladen. [...]Wednesday, April 17th, 2024
Keep your eyes open when using identification apps! Smartphones are now a constant companion for most people. The technical possibilities in the field of bird identification are also developing rapidly. While digital identification [...] [other news]
Kassel Sunday, September 8th, 2024
Waxing Crescent (5 days) moonrise at 12h39, moonset at 21h16
Sun: sunrise at 06h47, sunset at 19h51 Day : dawn at 06h13 and dusk at 20h25 |
Last observation added: this minute. Currently 723 visitors are online. |
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Sunday, September 8th, 2024 Averlak Süderdonn [2021_3_32s] Büsum [1819_3_32s]
1 | Red-footed Falcon precise | Beltringharder Koog (FN6) [1419_1_25s]
1 | Griffon Vulture precise | Beltringharder Koog (FN6) [1419_4_36n]
3 | White-tailed Eagles precise | Beltringharder Koog (FN6) [1419_1_24s]
1 | White-tailed Eagle precise | Beltringharder Koog (FN6)/ Arlauschleuse [1419_4_37n] Beltringharder Koog (FN6) [1419_1_25n]
1 | Peregrine Falcon precise | Hauke-Haien-Koog Nordbecken (FN31) [1318_2_06n]
1 | Long-billed Dowitcher precise |
1 | Common Sandpiper precise |
× | Wood Sandpipers precise | Lebrader Teiche: Dorfbucht [1728_4_46s] Lebrader Teiche
1 | White-tailed Eagle precise | Lebrader Teiche NW
1 | Black Woodpecker precise | Grabau [2429_3_52n]
1 | Black Woodpecker square | Mölln [2330_3_52n]
× | Eurasian Curlews precise | Sachsenwald - Buschhege W [2428_3_42s]
0 | Eurasian Pygmy Owl square | Sachsenwald - Wildgehege [2428_3_53n]
0 | Eurasian Pygmy Owl square | Sachsenwald - Bismarckquelle [2427_4_39s]
0 | Eurasian Pygmy Owl square | Wald S Aumühle - Sigrimsberg [2427_4_60n]
0 | Eurasian Pygmy Owl square | Nettelnburg [2527_1_02s]
1 | Eurasian Bullfinch precise | A20/Nienhusen [1938_3_52s]
2 | Red-footed Falcons precise | Brookhusen Ausbau [2038_1_05n]
2 | Red-footed Falcons precise | Feldflur O Klein Stove [1938_3_35s] Feldflur S Ivendorf [1937_2_26n]
1 | Red-footed Falcon precise | Feldflur O Blengow [1935_2_10n]
~30 | Red-footed Falcons precise | Feldflur N Zweedorf [1936_1_01s]
12 | Red-footed Falcons precise | Feldflur O Groß Stove [1938_4_37n]
3 | Red-footed Falcons precise | Feldflur S Biestow Ausbau [1938_1_25s]
1 | Red-footed Falcon precise | Feldflur W Wilsen [1938_1_21n]
3 | Red-footed Falcons precise | Feldflur SO Konow [1937_2_30s]
5 | Red-footed Falcons precise | Feldflur N Wilsen [1938_1_12s]
1 | Red-footed Falcon precise | Feldflur S Wahrstorf [2038_2_06n]
5 | Red-footed Falcons precise | Gorow [1937_4_48n]
2 | Red-footed Falcons precise | Hastorf [1937_2_29s]
1 | Red-footed Falcon precise | Papendorf [1938_3_45n]
6 | Red-footed Falcons precise | Krummer See O [2240_1_05n]
1 | Common Kingfisher precise |
1 | Lesser Spotted Woodpecker precise |
5 | Bearded Reedlings precise | Krummer See
1 | Black Woodpecker precise | Feldlfur N Groß Stove [1938_2_26s]
2 | Eurasian Hobbies precise | HRO - Siedlung Satower Str./Biestow Ausbau [1938_1_25n]
≥1 | European Bee-eater precise | Feldflur W Kramerhof [1644_1_23s]
~185 | Canada Geese precise | Feldflur S Günz [1643_2_26n]
≥3 | Red-footed Falcons precise | Groß Kedingshagen, Feldflur S [1644_3_43n]
8 | Red-footed Falcons precise | Groß Mohrdorf, Feldflur S [1643_2_17n]
~30 | Western Yellow Wagtails, unidentified precise | Hohendorf, Feldflur SO [1643_2_10n]
1 | Eurasian Collared Dove precise | Klein Kedingshagen [1644_3_33n] Prohn, Feldflur O [1644_1_13s]
1 | Red-footed Falcon precise | Saal [1641_3_53n]
6 | Eurasian Curlews precise | Schmedshagen SO [1644_3_32n]
1 | Red-footed Falcon precise | SW Batevitz [1643_2_06s]
1 | White-tailed Eagle precise | Kiehnheide Strand [1848_4_40n]
1 | Common Ringed Plover precise | Mittelbek Karlshagen [1848_4_60s]
1 | White-tailed Eagle precise |
1 | Peregrine Falcon precise |
1 | Eurasian Curlew precise |
≥2 | Common Kingfishers precise |
1 | European Green Woodpecker precise |
≥2 | Red-backed Shrikes precise |
9 | European Stonechats precise |
1 | Common Redstart precise |
2 | Northern Wheatears precise | Pommersche Bucht NO Peenemünde [1848_2_30s]
1 | European Honey Buzzard precise | Pommersche Bucht O Kiehnheide [1849_3_31s]
3 | Bar-tailed Godwits precise | Grünland N Dahlemer Holz [2318_1_05s]
1 | Red-backed Shrike precise | Schwedenfeld / Wingst [2220_3_34n] Aschener Moor / Lindloge-SW [3315_4_39n]
4 | Northern Wheatears precise | NSG Aschener-Heeder Moor: Polder am Ossenbecker Moordamm
3 | Domestic Ducks (Bastard) precise |
≥15 | Northern Shovelers precise |
1 | Eurasian Goshawk precise |
1 | White-tailed Eagle precise |
1 | Little Ringed Plover precise |
1 | Common Ringed Plover precise |
1 | Common Sandpiper precise |
1 | Spotted Redshank precise |
1 | Common Greenshank precise | N Hesepertwist [3308_3_45n] Pütte Eytingsgroden Imbsen [4424_3_44s]
2 | Red-footed Falcons precise | Bad Harzburg [4029_3_44s]
5 | Grey Partridges precise | Dollbergen: W Feldmark [3526_4_60n]
4 | Red-footed Falcons precise | Feldmark östl Windpark Katensen [3527_3_33n]
1 | White-tailed Eagle precise | Gleidingen N [3725_1_11n]
2 | Red-footed Falcons precise | H-Kleefeld [3624_2_18s]
1 | Eurasian Goshawk precise | H-Waldhausen [3624_4_36n] Pattensen Süd Feldmark [3724_2_26s]
≥3 | Red-footed Falcons precise |
≥1 | Eurasian Hobby precise | nordwestl. Lachem [3821_4_36n] Barumer See
1 | Black Woodpecker precise | Lopausee
2 | Northern Ravens precise | Bathorn Wiedervernässungsflächen [3308_3_52s]
1 | White-headed Duck precise |
≥20 | Northern Shovelers precise |
1 | Black-necked Grebe precise |
2 | Western Marsh Harriers precise |
1 | Red-footed Falcon precise | Iprump (Oldenburg) [2815_2_29s]
1 | Common Kingfisher precise |
1 | European Green Woodpecker precise |
1 | Lesser Spotted Woodpecker precise |
1 | Eurasian Nuthatch precise |
~5 | Western Yellow Wagtails, unidentified precise | Buxtehude [2524_1_03s]
2 | Red-footed Falcons precise | Kakenstorf [2624_4_57n] Aue-Fallstein [3930_3_45n]
1 | Black Woodpecker precise | Ballenstedt [4233_2_06n]
5 | Red-footed Falcons precise | Veltheim [3930_3_35s]
1 | Western Marsh Harrier precise |
4 | Red-footed Falcons precise |
1 | Peregrine Falcon precise |
~51 | Northern Ravens precise | Campus Bernburg-Strenzfeld
1 | Lesser Spotted Woodpecker precise | Hoym NW - Feldflur [4233_2_07n]
3 | Red-footed Falcons precise | Hoym SO, Kiesgrube, Feldflur [4234_1_11n]
22 | Egyptian Geese precise |
1 | Common Sandpiper precise |
4 | Common Greenshanks precise | Kiesgrube Hoym
≥10 | Little Grebes precise |
1 | Eurasian Sparrowhawk precise | Arnsnesta S (Schwarze Elster) [4245_3_31s]
1 | European Nightjar precise | Grochwitz [4245_3_54s]
1 | Grey-headed Woodpecker precise | Restloch 107
1 | White-tailed Eagle precise | Gülper See (gesamt)
5 | Little Ringed Plovers precise |
1 | Black-tailed Godwit precise |
3 | Spotted Redshanks precise | Gülper See S [3239_4_36s]
2 | Common Sandpipers precise | Gülper See SE / Prietzen [3239_4_37s]
≥2 | Little Ringed Plovers precise | Gülper See: Südufer
1 | Spotted Redshank precise | Gülper See NW [3239_3_35n] Wernsdorf [3648_1_22n]
1 | Black Woodpecker precise | Hartmannsdorf W [3648_4_47n]
1 | Eurasian Woodcock precise | Hartmannsdorf W [3648_4_39n]
1 | Black Woodpecker square | Kiessee bei Hartmannsdorf
1 | Common Kingfisher place | Raddusch Wiesen SE [4150_3_54n]
4 | Red-footed Falcons precise |
1 | Lesser Spotted Woodpecker precise | Wartenberg / Stadtrandsiedlung Malchow / Ahrensfelde [3447_1_01n]
2 | Red-footed Falcons precise | Bielefeld-Zentrum: Siegfriedplatz [3917_3_42n] Annaberger Feld
2 | European Stonechats precise |
2 | Common Redstarts precise | Freizeitpark Rheinaue Bonn
1 | Common Kingfisher precise | Gronau / Hochkreuz [5208_4_59n]
1 | Eurasian Goshawk precise | Hochkreuz / Rhein / Oberkassel [5208_4_60n] Jülich [5104_1_02s]
1 | Peregrine Falcon precise | Herford Werretal Ahmserbaum [3918_1_02n]
6 | Common Mergansers precise | Schwarzenmoor: Mindener/Alte Heerstr. [3818_1_24s]
2 | Common Redstarts precise | Krankenhauspark Hiltrup Geest Rieselfelder MS: 16er Schlossgarten Münster: Gräfte
4 | Rose-ringed Parakeets precise | Uppenberg / Wasserweg [4011_2_16n] Flughafen Siegerland
3 | Northern Lapwings precise |
1 | Eurasian Hoopoe precise | Grünland südlich Lippe [5214_3_54s]
1 | Eurasian Sparrowhawk precise |
2 | European Stonechats precise |
3 | Northern Wheatears precise | Lippe O [5214_3_55n]
2 | Northern Wheatears precise | NSG "Lipper Höhe"
2 | Common Redstarts precise | Auf der Armut West, Feldfl. SE Eikeloh [4316_4_56n]
2 | Eurasian Dotterels precise | Eikeloh S, Feldflur Sonnenknapp [4316_3_55n]
≥2 | Northern Wheatears precise | Feldf. Kahle Mark, NN 151, NW Schledde, SE Eikeloh [4316_4_56s]
≥3 | Grey Partridges precise |
2 | Red-footed Falcons precise | Feldflur Kahle Mark, E Pöppelsche [4416_1_05n]
1 | Red-footed Falcon precise | Feldflur Kahle Mark S Eikeloh
≥4 | Eurasian Dotterels precise | Feldflur Kahle Mark N A44 [4416_2_06n]
3 | Eurasian Dotterels precise | Pöppelschetal östl. Domhof [4316_3_55s]
1-2 | Red-footed Falcons precise |
≥3 | European Stonechats precise | NSG "Heiliges Meer" O 3611_2_29s]
1 | European Stonechat precise | Oberpleis N [5209_4_57n]
1 | Eurasian Collared Dove square | NSG "Hemmerder Wiesen"
6 | European Stonechats precise | Unna [4412_3_35n] Dülken: Felder NW Loosen
2 | Northern Ravens precise | Dülken: Felder N Röhlenend
1 | Northern Wheatear precise |
1 | Grey-headed Yellow Wagtail (ssp. thunbergi) precise | Dülken: Felder N Boisheimer Nette
1 | Northern Wheatear precise | Viersen-Dülken: Schündelenhöfen [4703_2_29n]
1 | Montagu's Harrier precise | Bislicher Insel "Kleine Flutmulde"
≥2 | Egyptian Geese imprecise |
4 | Ruddy Shelducks imprecise |
× | Northern Shovelers imprecise | Rheinberg Borth [4305_3_54s]
≥1 | Canada Goose imprecise |
× | Egyptian Geese imprecise |
1 | Domestic Duck (Bastard) imprecise |
× | Northern Shovelers imprecise |
2 | Eurasian Hobbies imprecise |
1 | Falcon, unidentified imprecise |
≥3-13 | Little Ringed Plovers imprecise |
1 | Red-necked Phalarope imprecise |
≥1-2 | Common Sandpipers imprecise |
≥3-6 | Common Greenshanks imprecise |
≥2-5 | Green Sandpipers imprecise |
1 | Curlew Sandpiper imprecise | Ginnheim Ost [5817_4_40n] Bad Vilbel, Dottenfelder Hof [5818_2_06n] Feldflur S NSG Pfaffensee/Teufelsee [5619_1_12s]
9 | Grey Partridges precise | NSG Pfaffensee
1 | Black-necked Grebe precise | Södel, Sonnberg/Auf dem Grebeplatz/Auf dem Galgen/Eselshag [5618_2_08n]
1 | Red-footed Falcon precise | Wisselsheim - Melbach, Höhenrücken [5618_2_08s]
1 | Western Marsh Harrier precise |
2 | Northern Wheatears precise | Gehölze am Limes beim Wartberg
1 | Western Marsh Harrier precise | Gießen-Klein-Linden-Süd [5417_2_29s]
1 | Eurasian Sparrowhawk precise | Grünberg [5420_1_04s] Pohlheim [5418_3_53s]
1 | Northern Wheatear precise | Rotenburg NO [4924_3_55s]
1 | Green Sandpiper precise | Hirschhorn (Neckar) [6519_3_34n] Kelzer Teiche, Umgebung [4522_1_14s]
1 | Cetti's Warbler precise | Feldflur Oberquembach
5 | Grey Partridges precise | Feldflur Dudeldorf [6005_2_08s]
9 | Northern Lapwings precise |
3 | Northern Wheatears precise | Metterich [6005_2_17n]
1 | Northern Lapwing precise | Kindenheim [6314_4_58s]
3 | Western Marsh Harriers precise | Quirnheim [6414_2_08n] Biedesheim [6314_4_58n]
3 | Western Marsh Harriers precise | Weilerbach [6511_2_18n] Mainz Drususwall-Park
2 | Rose-ringed Parakeets precise | Westerwälder Seenplatte: Dreifelder Weiher
4 | Eurasian Wigeons precise | Kollmarsreute / Sexau [7913_1_04n]
1 | Northern Lapwing precise | Friedrichshafen, offshore [8322_4_40n]
1 | Lesser Black-backed Gull precise | Rotachmündung
4 | Little Ringed Plovers precise |
1 | Spotted Redshank precise |
1 | Temminck's Stint precise |
≥11 | Blue-headed Yellow Wagtails (ssp. flava) precise | Flugplatz Bremgarten - Mitte [8011_4_58s]
≥3 | Western Yellow Wagtails, unidentified precise | Heidelberg (Hauptbahnhof) [6518_3_51s]
~500 | Rose-ringed Parakeets precise | Heidelberg [6618_1_02s]
≥11 | Rose-ringed Parakeets precise | |