Monitoring of migratory and wintering waterbirds in Germany
Count dates
Waterbird Census
Background, aims and methods
Take part!
Data entry in / NaturaList
Monitoring of resting Geese and Swans
Background, aims and methods
Take part!
Data entry in / NaturaList
Collecting data on juvenile percentages
Crane roost counts
Background, aims and methods
Take part!
Data entry
Instructions and hints
Technical tips and hints
First steps / Registration
My account
Submit observations
Report observations (background)
Beobachtungen melden (Praxis)
Observation lists
Protection of observations
ornitho-App „NaturaList“
Beobachtungen verwalten
Data analysis
Distribution grid-based (Atlas-Tool)
Foto- und Tondokumente
QR codes from
Non-technical tips and hints
Age and Sex
Breeding codes and their application
Reporting of dead birds
Projekt ''NocMig''
Identification tips and hints
Vocalisations of Woodpeckers
Hybrid Crows
Willow vs. Alpine Tit
Long-tailed Tits
Welcome to and and shall give an up-to-date overview of bird life in Germany and Luxembourg, and it shall be put into an European context in co-operation with other ornitho-systems. It shall bring together everybody interested in bird life, shall inspire people about the avifauna, and shall support environmental education. The data from and are used for scientific analysis and for the purpose of nature conservation. You will find more information in „What is“.
Photo : Oliver Richter
Eurasian Jay
(Garrulus glandarius)
Occurrence during the year in comparison with previous years based on complete lists. Join in and help make the picture more complete!
Waterbird monitoring starts into the main season - we wish you exciting counts!
Am kommenden Wochenende startet die Kernsaison des Monitorings rastender Wasservögel (MrW) mit dem ersten Zählwochenende der Wasservogelzählung (14./15.09). Zum MrW [...]
Friday, September 6th, 2024
Counting Grey Partridge family groups - join in!
Neben der Bestandsentwicklung aus dem Monitoring im Spätwinter/Frühjahr ist auch der Bruterfolg eine wichtige Kennzahl, um die Entwicklung der Rebhuhnbestände zu [...]
Thursday, August 15th, 2024
Watch out for Eurasian Dotterels! (Please also report nil counts!)
Das Brutgebiet des Mornellregenpfeifers liegt in den Fjällflächen und Tundren von Skandinavien bis Ostsibirien. Die europäischen Brutvögel überwintern in [...]
Tuesday, May 28th, 2024
Update: New version of the NaturaList app available (v0.264)
A new version of the NaturaList app for Android has been available since yesterday. In addition to various visual improvements, this mainly includes bug fixes and technical enhancements [...]
Tuesday, May 28th, 2024
Vogelwelt aktuell: Rückblick auf den Winter 2023/2024
Der vergangene Winter zeichnete sich durch erneut sehr milde Witterung aus. Genauer gesagt war es der 13. milde Winter in Folge und der drittmildeste je gemessene. Doch Rekorde [...]
Saturday, April 20th, 2024
Please select photos carufully!
Die digitale Fotografie hat die Übertragung von Bildern auf Internetseiten wie ornitho sehr einfach gemacht. An Spitzentagen werden mehrere hundert Fotos hochgeladen. [...]