Monitoring of migratory and wintering waterbirds in Germany
Count dates
Waterbird Census
Background, aims and methods
Take part!
Data entry in / NaturaList
Monitoring of resting Geese and Swans
Background, aims and methods
Take part!
Data entry in / NaturaList
Collecting data on juvenile percentages
Crane roost counts
Background, aims and methods
Take part!
Data entry
Instructions and hints
Technical tips and hints
First steps / Registration
My account
Submit observations
Report observations (background)
Beobachtungen melden (Praxis)
Observation lists
Protection of observations
ornitho-App „NaturaList“
Beobachtungen verwalten
Data analysis
Distribution grid-based (Atlas-Tool)
Foto- und Tondokumente
QR codes from
Non-technical tips and hints
Age and Sex
Breeding codes and their application
Reporting of dead birds
Projekt ''NocMig''
Identification tips and hints
Vocalisations of Woodpeckers
Hybrid Crows
Willow vs. Alpine Tit
Long-tailed Tits
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