Reference lists, guidelines and forms
Reference lists, guidelines and forms
Reference lists
Here you will find various codes used in ornitho so that the data can be more easily processed and be deposited as a reference list in its own databank, e.g.
Breeding code: xls file [as of 10th March 2012]; DDA leaflet "Breeding codes and their meaning" (in German; as of 28.02.2020]
Reference Accuracy of location, (resting) Habitat, Specifications (e.g. behaviour): xls file [as of 18th April 2019]
Read me file for export format txt, xls und xlsx: pdf-file [in German; as of 7th June 2020]
Species list:
Shape-File raster zip-file [28 MB], read me file (Geramn): pdf-file [4th Feb. 2016]
Read me files are currently provided in German only. If you need any help, do not hesitate to contact us:!